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rendered through 2event.com service

last updated on July 21, 2017

If you are the organizer or the immediate manager of the event and want to devote more time and efforts to the creative issues, we will gladly take upon ourselves the routine of selling tickets to your events.

If you have a proactive approach to life, often visit the creative events, concerts, conferences, master classes, etc., our service is for you.

All the necessary information about the events taking place on the territory of Ukraine and abroad is posted on our website with a detailed description of each event and with the opportunity to purchase the E-Tickets by following several consecutive steps.

Please, read the terms and conditions and advantages of the joint cooperation.

When registering on the website 2event.com, by clicking "I accept" button, you confirm that you have read and understood the terms and conditions of this Agreement become acquainted with the specifics of creating an Event, or purchasing the e-ticket and thereby agree to comply with all the clauses of the Agreement.

The text of the Agreement is an offer to a third party that wishes to use the services of the website 2event.com, to accept the terms and conditions of the Agreement and to start cooperation.

This Agreement is permanently posted here: https://2event.com/uk/agreement and is the public offer contract, which you, as an organizer, can accept by sending us an Information Card, the form of which can be found here: 2event.com/newsletter.

If you are a å-ticket Buyer - it is enough to register and accept the terms and conditions of the Agreement.

If you do not agree with the terms and conditions of this Agreement, do not continue to register at the website 2event.com.

The Agreement is updated by the Company at its own discretion, a new version of the Agreement will be available on the website here:  https://2event.com/uk/agreement.

You should independently read the new edition of the Agreement before creating each new Event or before buying the e-ticket.

Agreement terminology:

Company - Limited Liability Company "Kompyuternaya Kompaniya Complex" (Complex Computer Company)

Organizer - a third party, an individual person or a legal entity that intends to sell tickets for his/its Event using the website 2event.com.

Buyer - a third party, an individual person or a legal entity that intends to buy tickets for various kinds of events on the website 2event.com.

Parties - the Company and the Organizer, or the Company and the Buyer, depending on in which part of the Agreement the term occurs.

User – any person using the website as the Organizer or the Buyer or simply a visitor.

Order - a sequence of actions performed by the Buyer with the purpose of purchasing the e-ticket using the website 2event.com.

E-ticket - a record in the website accounting system containing the Buyer's identification data, the order status that confirms the Buyer's right to participate in the Event.

Information card - a survey list that the Organizer completes and submits to the Company to conclude the Agency Agreement, in this case it is an offer acceptance (acceptance of the terms and conditions) by the Organizer.

Personal account - a set of secured website pages created as a result of user registration, using which the Organizer or the Buyer has the ability to order the website services, make changes to personal data, pay for the tickets and use other site features. Access to the personal account is carried out by entering the account details, namely the login and password in the fields provided for this.

Event - service (concert, conference, training, master class...), which is rendered by the Organizer to the third party, information about which the Organizer posts on the website 2event.com using the specially designed fields, with the purpose of selling the e-tickets to the Buyers.

Website - the collection of information, texts, graphic elements, design, images, photos, video materials and other results of intellectual activity is located at 2event.com, and belongs to the Company as a property, and serves as a platform for the creation of Events for the Organizer and a service for the purchase of e-tickets for the Buyer.

All other terms and definitions found in the text of the Agreement are interpreted by the Parties in accordance with the Agreement, and in the absence of their interpretation, in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine.


Opportunities for the website users:

The Company provides the User with the opportunity to:

 The Company provides the Organizers with the opportunity to:

The Company provides the Buyers with the opportunity to:

The Company reserves the right to:

The Company requires from the User to:

When using the website, the Users are prohibited to:

Terms of use:

The Company provides the following services:

  1. Places and displays the list of Events registered by the Organizer through the website
  2. Displays a detailed description of each Event.
  3. Sells the E-Tickets for each Event registered on the website at the price and on terms and conditions of the Organizer in its own name, but at the Organizer's expense.
  4. Accepts and processes the online ticket order, generates the E-Tickets, informs the Buyers about the stages of issuing the e-ticket.
  5. Accepts payment for the e-ticket to its account in person or through the payment agents.
  6. Pays the cost of sold e-tickets to the Organizer, on the terms and conditions of this Agreement and the supplementary Agency Agreement signed with each Organizer.
  7. Provides additional services that relate to the promotion and advertising of the Event subject to additional agreement with the Organizer.

Terms of using the website as the Organizer:

The Company reserves the right to refuse to post the Event page on the website, if the Event is described in a false way, or the Event does not comply with the requirements and the terms and conditions of this Agreement, or if the Organizer has violated the terms and conditions of the Agreement or the Agency Agreement, at its own discretion, without giving the reasons.

Terms of using the website as the Buyer:

Terms of using the website 2event.com:


Event creation on the website:

Ticket purchase:

A registered User who intends to use the website services as a Buyer shall:

  1. Choose an Event on the Website;
  2. Provide the information stipulated on the Event page, if any (the information provided shall correspond to reality and be provided in the required volume);
  3. Confirm the correctness of the information entered and the desire to place an order by clicking the button

"Continue" or "Register" on the corresponding website page.


·         If the Event is canceled for any reason and the funds for the tickets have not yet been transferred to the Event Organizer, the Company (at the Organizer's direction) shall return the tickets price to the Buyers within 10 business days from the time the Buyer has notified the Organizer. The Company's remuneration in the amount of 5% in this case shall be paid by the Organizer, if the Organizer is not able to pay remuneration fee, the Buyer shall be returned 95% of the ticket price.

·         In other cases, the Organizer shall returns the tickets price to the Buyers independently, having previously notified the Buyers of the return conditions.

If you do not agree with the terms of payment, you better not agree to the terms and conditions of the Agreement in general.

Dispute and claim settlement procedure:


The usage of 2Event logo and corporate phrases.

The Company does not guarantee that:

  1. The Website will meet the User's requirements;
  2. The results that can be obtained using the Website will be accurate and reliable;
  3. The quality of any product, service, information obtained using the Website will meet the User's expectations;
  4. The Website will work continuously, quickly, reliably and without errors and will meet the User's expectations;
  5. All errors on the Website will be corrected.



Entry into force and amendment of the terms and conditions of the Agreement:

https://2event.com/uk/agreement, contains all the essential conditions and is the Company's offer to enter into the Agreement with the User on the terms and conditions specified in the text. Thus, this document is a public offer in accordance with Article 633 of the Civil Code of Ukraine, and in case of acceptance of its terms and conditions, the person shall fulfill the terms and conditions of the Agreement.

In accordance with Article 633 of the Civil Code of Ukraine, the proper acceptance of this offer is the consecutive execution of the following actions by the Website User:

  1. Review and agreement with the terms and conditions of this Agreement;
  2. Entry of registration data in the registration form and confirmation of the authenticity of this data by clicking "Continue" or "Register" button.
  3. For the Organizers - completing and sending the Information Card and the necessary registration documents to the Company's address.

From the moment of clicking "Continue" or "Register" button and taking into account the correct consecutive execution of all the above actions, the Agreement is considered concluded.






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